Whether you enjoy using a metal detector just for fun or in seeking your underground fortune, you probably either own one already or plan on soon making a purchase. The trouble is mainly finding one that performs to your standards. If you are looking for a way to own a metal detector at low cost or the one you have isn't performing as you wish it would, perhaps making your own would provide a good solution. The prospect of doing this might scare off some less technologically inclined people, but with the information provided by this article you can learn to build your own metal detector that is not only as good as those available in stores, but your homemade job will cost you a fraction of commercial versions.
As complicated as most people presume metal detectors to be, in truth they are relatively simple and operate on principles that are easy to understand. Better yet, when you build your own metal detector, you will be able to modify it to fit your own needs. Regardless of how simple or complicated the metal detector you use is, all such devices operate along certain concepts:
There are many electronic devices that operate along similar principles. For a metal detector, these includes a phone, a calculator, and a radio.
First, turn the radio's tuning band to its highest band. Make sure that your radio is not tuned to a station and make sure that you can hear a clear and steady static tone. Put your calculator and the radio back to back until you get a dull tone. This might take a few minutes to do to get the configuration right. This might also involve moving the devices at different angles and distances apart to achieve the tone.
Next, as best as you can, tape the devices together using the same configuration. This will form the search head or the coil of your metal detector. Attach a broomstick or some other pole as a handle. Simply put a spoon or some other metal object on the ground to test it. As the head of your device gets closer to the spoon, the beeping will get louder.
A radio. It is also possible to make metal detector from a radio alone, but it's not as accurate as the method above. In either case, you have a field that you can use. The missing item, in this case is the coil, which you can make from the instructions below.